Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
A solid episode, worthy of a much higher score.
12 June 2019
I've just finished watching this episode of Black Mirror the second time, and I still think it's really excellent. Miley Cyrus plays her character really well. I can see there are a lot of similarities in Mileys real life to when she finally shed the chains of Hannah Montana, the same as Ashley O is desperate to shake off her sweet, fake, soda pop persona. I can image Miley could really relate to this and really enjoyed making this episode. It must have been a lot of fun recording the voice for Ashley Too, as it really does have some excellent lines and scenes!

There are a lot of subtle jokes that are easy to miss, which is why I'm glad I watched it a second time. And as Black Mirror goes, it does fit in so well with the way modern technology is going, and how its uses can be used for no good.

All in all a solid performance by all involved, very well written, funny, serious, emotional, and worthy of a much higher rating than it seems to have got.

Miley Cyrus and Charlie Brooker are not two people who you would expect to work well together. But trust me, they really do!
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