It Wasn't Great
11 June 2019
I thought that this movie was good in showing how Phoenix had dangerous powers and that Jean had no control over them which led to her hurting the ones that she loved. Realising this she did try to get help from anyone who she thought would be able to help her which I thought was nice to see as it still showed that Jean was in there but she didn't know how to stop. Not only this but I liked some of the action sequences within the movie which did bring more of an X-Men feel to the movie as well as kept the watcher wanting to know who would survive and who wouldn't.

However, this film did have a lot of faults with it as well. With the characters development not having been properly formed and left a lot of questions for the audience such as; how Hank is able to transition into the Beast and human form so easily before when he couldn't previously, what the powers Jean had as a child really were as the new formed Phoenix powers were from a spark in space as the movies had shown, who the aliens really were that came for the spark in which Jean had managed to get inside of her and many more. The only character in which seemed to have been formed properly and have left the audience with a better understanding of the character was Eric who the audience could see was happy now that mutants had freedom in which he had always wanted. Not only this but the characters didn't react the way that they should have and how the audience would expect certain characters to such as with Nightcrawler going on a killing spree the way that he did, this seemed worse when they didn't focus on his religious connection at all so the impact of this was just lost unless you knew more about his backstory. Dark Phoenix did come across as rushed to me and when trying to put so much into the movie just left out key parts of what makes a film really enjoyable which was disappointing as I did enjoy the other movies which had the current cast and think that they ended it on a film which no-one is able to connect to the characters within it making it difficult to grab the watchers attention.
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