Review of Here to Help

Fear the Walking Dead: Here to Help (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really not the type to screech "bots!" or "shills!" but I am absolutely convinced that the majority of these reviews have to be written by AMC staff. The writing on the show is just too awful to believe this many people can think positively about it.

To actually speak on the episode, it's just bad. Not even good, Z Nation kind of bad. Just abandon the show, no entertainment value left kind of awful.

After season 3 I had huge hopes for it. I was even convincing friends who gave up in the first two seasons. "No really, it's good now! You have to watch it!"

And then for some bizarre, unknown reason, they nuke the whole show and turn it into non stop reruns of the Morgan lecture hour. As if that hasn't been done enough for half a dozen seasons on the main show. Almost immediately, the writing quality absolutely tanked.

I stuck it out through season 4. Barely. I remember one episode where they were poisoned or something and needed some alcohol based nonsense to counteract it or they're going to die. So there just so happens to be a tanker full of the stuff in the parking lot. BUT, during an ensuing fight someone accidentally shoots a hole in it.

Mind you, if doesn't explode or anything. They just sit there and watch for the presumably 5 or so hours it would take the tanker to empty from a bullet hole. Nobody thinks to grab a glass, a bowl, even soak a shirt in it and squeeze it over their mouth. No. They just resign themselves to death as they grow old watching a tanker empty in a parking lot through a bullet hole.

That's the kind of writing quality we're talking about here. Seriously, it's not just overlooking some silly character trait. It's such lazy writing that calling it amateur would be giving too much credit.

Being a glutton for punishment apparently, I decide to give season 5 a chance. It's worse...

You can literally see the actors fighting to get their lines out because of how ridiculous it is.

Go back a couple of seasons and pick one random episode. Then watch this one or the next one. Not only will you see the enormous difference in writing quality, but you'll see the difference in acting by those who are still on the show. It's most obvious with Strand especially.

I'm not blaming them, I don't think I could get this drivel out with a straight face myself so I give them credit for trying with the garbage they are given.

Obviously I'm giving up on the show. There's nothing left. I'm just absolutely baffled that first of all, a team of writers could put this out and think it's good. And second of all, that anyone watching it can actually think it's good. It's gone beyond subjective taste now. It's just objectively bad.
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