Review of The Magic Pill

Potentially the most important documentary you'll ever see.
3 June 2019
This documentary is so important to absolutely everyone on the planet. For anyone who isn't already aware of the damage all carbohydrates cause the body they need to watch and understand. Unfortunately everyone still thinks they need to follow the food pyramid. I won't go into these things too much but for those who want to live a longer, much healthier, more intelligent, energetic and functional life just watch it. It's still up to you to make your choices but I and many others were already aware of this and I've been trying to promote for a while to family but they just won't listen to me. This documentary will demonstrate scientifically the important information you need to be aware of. Some of my own experiences follow:

So, genuinely. I've found the past 6 years of my life incredibly frustrating. I did zero carbs for the first time in 2012 as a bodybuilder.

My other friends would use carbs, no fat and protein to diet down.

What I had always noticed was my friends would look ill whilst dieting, they'd be constantly tired, huge mood swings and anger (both them and myself took steroids so it wasn't a steroid thing for those thinking that).

Their families would suffer their terrible moods, headaches and exhaustion with them.

I expected the same doing zero carb as our calorific intake was the same. For the first couple of weeks, it was. Then all of a sudden it was like my body made this switch. I had dropped lots of excess water (carbs by nature cause more water retention and are inflammatory by nature), my energy levels were now much more consistent. I could train for longer but without feeling worn out.

My brain was more active like a fog had cleared. Plus my body fat was reducing rapidly.

Within 12 weeks I'd dropped all the fat I wanted to so I could look good. What I noticed equally as much as finally having abs that I could easily see was that my migraines had stopped, my IBS had cleared up, my issues with depression were gone, I was sleeping and actually feeling rested afterwards, my joints felt far less pain (my knees are damaged from years of lifting) .

My friends had got equally as lean on clean carbs , protein and veg (basically rice, chicken, broccoli, spinach and kale every meal or a potato in place of rice). However they felt terrible. They looked ill. They were constantly moody and depressed. In fact everything about what they had done had a negative effect on them in every way except for the physique. The carbs allow the muscles to stay slightly fuller and slighty more powerful than fats (this is initial power only) their endurance was terrible.

I was getting to eat bacon, steaks, nuts, peanut butter, chicken breast with the skin, sausages, fish, I could make my meats or fish into very low carb chilli, curry, bolognese etc and I was still feeling great.

I told my friends. They saw and they did. It was the same for every one of them. Improvements in all areas but always noticably in brain function and inflammation.

My friend who is 65 has had severe arthritis for many years. He could barely walk and was on his way to being chair bound. He was on loads of meds and cortisone based steroids.

He cut out all carbs. A year later he's in the gym moving about without problem. The docs cannot explain the huge improvement in arthritis that had advanced to such a severe stage. He had a heart op, the docs are now amazed that not only has his heart stayed stable but has improved. He has been told in all the years the team at the hospital had been treating and performing surgery they had never seen the heart actually begin to improve over its repair.

I try to tell more people. Carbs are not what we are supposed to eat. It's tough making the change as carbs are addictive and taste great. So to those who find it tough. Do what I did. Zero carb for at least 6-10 day then have 1 day eating whatever you like. Then another 6-10 days and so on. It keeps you driven. The funny thing is. The day you have where you get to eat all the foods you crave (cheat day) makes you feel rough!

Do yourself and your family a huge favour. Watch this documentary as I could never have demonstrated what I and many others knew to the point of actioning change in my family.

This documentary could save your life.

The current food pyramid and the drumming in of fats are bad is the misinformation that had caused the huge rises in illness, cancers etc. But of course, farmers profit from carbs, industry profits from carbs and pharma profits from keeping people ill.

Please watch it.
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