Ticket conflicts
1 June 2019
'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's' two part pilot/premiere "Friendship is Magic" (the two parts called "Mare in the Moon" and "Elements of Harmony") was a great way to start one of the best and most watchable/re-watchable animated shows in recent years, a real gem amongst a sea of dross. Part 2, "Elements of Harmony" was especially good. So many fantastic things in both parts and a lot of elements did settle straight-away, apart from some of the characterisation with primarily an underwritten Spike.

The first proper episode strictly speaking, "The Ticket Master" is of equally high quality, being very, very good with again many elements fantastic. There are better episodes of the show and of Season 1, but there is a huge amount in "The Ticket Master" that makes many people understand the show's appeal. Of course there are others that don't and that is absolutely fine by me, but on a side note those that dislike the show should be nicer, stop making ignorant and false generalisations and stop saying that the "bronies" are condescending and dangerous when it's them directing personal verbal attacks against them and bullying and disciminating against "bronies" in real life as well. Back to being relevant, sorry for going off track and hope nobody is offended, the episode is also a good example of attracting a wider audience, in terms of gender and age, into watching the show, as it is not only for little girls (getting sick of that generalisation).

It, "The Ticket Master" that is, does not have anything inherently wrong with it. It just lacks the extra something that other episodes have. The moral is basic definitely, one of not trying too hard to make everybody happy, but it is delivered with sincerity and has enough subtlety to make it preachy. Also think that it is a moral that is very relevant and relatable (personally do relate to it, happens to me all the time being someone eager to please and it can work against me) as well as good for educational value. Not to mention it is a good one to introduce to younger audiences.

Do think that other episodes have better songs, ones that have melodies that stick in the head for longer and have more inspired and cleverly written lyrics. That is not to say that the two songs here are bad, they are actually pretty nice especially Pinkie's Gala song, just saying in comparison. Rarity's dream sequence was ever so slightly out of place, jarring a tad with the episode's more mature tone.

So much to like though. There is an improvement here. Spike is much more interesting, not fully developed yet but he has more to do and has a bigger role and it does him justice. The personalities of the other characters are still richer though, the premiere having established them so well. The flash animation is very good for so early on (and for flash), and continues "Elements of Harmony's" improvement in having less static background characters. The bright colours, meticulously detailed and often elegant backgrounds and adorable but never too cute character designs still appeals. The music has presence but never over-bears what is going on. Personally don't have a problem with the theme song, am aware some find it take it or leave it.

Again, the writing is also highly impressive for such an early stage. Do think actually that "The Ticket Master" is a very funny episode and very winning in that aspect. Not just the waiter gag or the Benny Hill spoof, but also the lengths the other ponies go to convince Twilight to give them the spare ticket. The methods are both hilarious and remarkably inventive. The emotion is also there and it is not too sentimental. A highlight for me was Twilight's library scene.

No cheese or sugar in the always compelling story either thankfully. The characters continue to engage and their character traits are already well rounded and distinct, they are much more than shallow stereotypes and they are more complex than their cute character designs suggest. Love how they interact too, whether in conflict or as friends. Especially love Twilight, the most well rounded character of the show at this point, and Pinkie here. The voice acting continues to impress, there is a reason as to why Tara Strong is as prolific as she is.

Concluding, very, very good. 8/10
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