Doc Martin: Blade on the Feather (2017)
Season 8, Episode 7
A complaint is filed against the Doc!
31 May 2019
The major story in this episode is an annual boat race. It seems one of the rowers needs the doctor's help but things turn out very badly. She warns him that she is afraid of needles and in her panic, she hurts herself. With her lying on the floor bleeding, the Doc's hemophobia kicks in...and he faints. Little does he realize that this annoying patient (who simply won't follow his instructions) will end up causing all sorts of trouble. Other problems are a man whjo behaves like he's intoxicated when he's had nothing to drink and Bert, who has gout. Additionally, Louisa is still struggling with whether or not to continue working.

This is a very good episode. I should point out that although the patient is a terrible patient, Doc Martin was also to blame as well. See the show...see what I mean. Well written and interesting.
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