DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Here I Go Again (2018)
Season 3, Episode 11
Groundhog Day Meets the Legends of Tomorrow
29 May 2019
This episode was WONDERFUL! Just a joy to watch from beginning to end. While I already liked Zari, she did feel a little separate from the rest of the team, but, in the span of one episode, now feels as central as any of the major characters. Her team-up with Nate - the only one who would believe her when she said she was stuck in a time loop - was absolutely hysterical. More of them together please! The plot device of the bomb exploding the ship every hour was a great way for Zari to bond with the crew, and led to some truly hilarious and heartfelt revelations. The greatest of these being, of course, what Zari and Nate discover about Mick. Oh Mick, never change! This episode is the best of the season so far, and one of the best of not only Legends of Tomorrow, but of the entire arrowverse! Props to Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh, who took more of a backseat here, but who were so great, as usual. Special shoutout to Nick Zano for a fantastic performance - his warmth and sense of comedic timing stole the show - he is such an incredible force! But the MVP of this episode is without a doubt Tala Ashe, who gives what may be the best performance so far this season...on any of the arrowverse shows. Seriously, her performance here rivals Caity Lotz's during the finale of season 2 of Legends. All in all, an amazing episode!
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