The Hot Zone: Charlie Foxtrot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Needs 1981 to 1990 U.S. Army Technical Advisor
29 May 2019
U.S. Army Class A Uniform, Women wore a smaller Colonel O-6 Grade/Rank Insignia as the epaulets were narrower. Unit Crests were not worn above the right breast pocket until after the U.S. Army Dress Blue Uniform replaced the U.S. Army's Class A Uniform "Greens" as unlike the "Greens" the Unit Patch was not authorized to be on the Dress Blues as the Class A Uniform.

The American Flag was not worn on the U.S. Army's Battle Dress Uniform (B.D.U.), only earned "Combat Patches" as "Subdued" green, black and or brown, were worn on the Right Shoulder, as full colored Patches defeated the Purpose of even switching to Camouflage U.S. Army Uniforms from the previous O.D. Green Fatigues worn from the Beginning of the Vietnam War 1955, for a brief time the issuance of the "Jungle Fatigues", end of the Vietnam War 1975 to 1981, 1981 switch to the U.S. Army BDU. The Reverse American Flag was not created until much later, 2000s. When the switch occurred as a U.S. Military Officer I had to buy 4 Sets of Winter (Cotton, pants, shirts, and a hat), 4 Sets Summer (Rip Stop Material, pants, shirts, and a hat), having two kinds of BDUs was a problem, as by Regulation you could not wear the Summer BDU during Winter, nor wear the Winter during Summer, as an Officer you had to make sure that your Soldiers complied by having daily inspections, formations. Because 4 Winter and 4 Summer was not enough I ended up buying 7 sets Winter, 7 sets Summer for 7 Days of a Week.

At that time it was U.S. Department of Defense, all the way down to Unit Commander's written Orders that U.S. Army Personnel were NOT allowed to wear the U.S. Army Battle Dress Uniform Off U.S. Military Bases, Installations, Facilities, the exception was stopping at a Convenience Store, or Service Station. This was a Written Order, as punishable with UCMJ Charge of Failure to Obey a Direct Order.

Getting sent to the Iran Iraq Wars, CIA Operation Cyclone wearing the wrong Camouflage Uniforms, instead of Tan Desert Camouflage. During CIA Operation Cyclone, the U.S.S.R. actually used Chemical Weapons, and a Weaponized Hemorrhagic Fever "Agent Purple" having been trained as a Chemical Munitions Officer, and Biological Warfare Officer this scared the ..........out of me. Was horrific seeing an entire Afghan Village of Men, Women and lots of children that had died violently from the U.S.S.R.'s Weaponized Hemorrhagic Fever, almost every blood vessel, capillaries under the skin, internal organs ruptured, they were purple.

The Historians (non Participants) claimed that the Pro U.S.S.R. Pakistanis Inter Service Intelligence Service had trained and armed the CIA Created Pro U.S. Afghan Muhajeen, and that we trained, armed and funded Osama Bin Laden and his Al Quada as Osama Bin Laden at that time was at Yemen creating his Al Quada to do Acts of Terrorism at U.S. Ally Saudi Arabia to force the Saudis to get the U.S. Military Bases out of U.S. Ally Saudi Arabia. Same kind of Fake History, that the CIA's Pro U.S. Afghan Muhajeen became the Afghan Taliban.

Why so critical, because during the Iran Iraq Wars the Iraqis Combat Brigade (over 100,000) was in Command of Suffered 40 percent Killed In Action, and during CIA Operation Cyclone as Leading the Pro U.S. Afghan Muhajeen to fight the U.S.S.R. 40th Army and Pro U.S.S.R. Afghan Military was also horrific, after we were Ordered to Abandon U.S. Ally Afghanistan, the CIA's Afghan Muhajeen continued to Fight as the Northern Alliance, the 5 Million Pro U.S.S.R. Afghans and Pro U.S.S.R. Afghan Military became the Afghan Taliban. And the Non Participant Historians did not see the results of U.S.S.R.'s Weaponized Hemorrhagic Fever.
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