Review of Us

Us (II) (2019)
What the f* did I just not watched?
24 May 2019
I rarely review anything. On the other hand I really enjoy watching movies (especially horrors). I went through all of them classic 50's to 70's, mid-era 80's-90's and modern 2000's. I've seen bad ones, terrible ones, better, good, excellent and just purely classic ones. I went through many bad and great disappointments. There are movies that stroke me from the beginning and the ones that grew up slowly on me. This one (Us) is another lesson of how not to trust any of the reviews. I have no idea how this title could score such a tempting and inaccurate ratting. This movie has no tension, not even a trace trace of a captivating plot. It' boring, dull and offensive to the imagination. I didn't give this title one star because it does have fairly decent acting and is based on a good, quite original idea and that's all. Really - see for yourself. I couldn't stand it and pulled the cable off after 30 minutes.
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