Solid first film for this crew
20 May 2019
So, Dark Trepidation is an Independent Horror short film by several up and coming NC local filmmakers fighting to show the world they have what it takes to make good films for people to enjoy. I must say, I have faith and every belief that they can. Now, keeping in mind they had no budget, and it was their first big project, this short film (clocking in around about 32ish minutes if I recall) deals with a demonic entity making his presence known at a state park and causing terror among those who visit that are trying to simply have romantic getaways, take pictures, hike, etc. Simple enough of a plot but wish several little details enough to make it really gripping of a film. Thats as much on the plot I'll dive into since I wanted to make a public review without spoiling a thing for anyone. These guys deserve the views and support! Now, for the characters. Josh (Portrayed by Jermaine Nix, who wrote and produced this film), appears to be the main character we follow, is a very interesting guy, and I definitely want to get to know Josh more, and since I'm aware that there's a FEATURE length sequel to this short as well as other films within an apparent in development franchise or saga of sorts, I really hope I do get to see Josh's character develop more throughout, maybe before AND after the demonic presence making things interesting for him within the story.. The film also features a couple, Matthew (Nyzahir Muhammad) and Marrisa (Rebecca Martin) and I gotta say, I adore these two. Both characters were written with heart and humor and even though this is a dark horror film, they spice things up with some of the funniest moments I've seen on film in a while (yes thats counting big hollywood films)! They're both good looking actors with charisma and solid chemistry. For me the star of the show is Matthew. Mr. Muhammad, I commend you. You made me laugh and clap while watching. In praising the cast I also must comment the director for obviously directing these up and coming stars really well. As for the cinematography and editing, I find this film very interesting, because it looks a lot better than most no-budget indie films and shorts I've seen at least within its genre. The DP/Cam op, Austin Bitikofer, solidly shoots and captures the characters and their surroundings, one of my favorite moments cinematography wise involves a scene around a campfire as soon as the evil entity shows up, and another favorite is actually in the very beginning involving a smaller character and the demon. My favorite moment cinematography wise includes the special effects team, but its a shot involving josh and vines towards the end. Thats all I'll say, the crew will know what scenes I'm referring to, but I gotta say that the way those scenes were captured definitely made the scenes seem right out of a cinematic major motion picture. Include those in your demo reel man! HOWEVER there are some moments I caught that had some splotches of some sort that I assume was on the lens while filming and some might say thats distracting, always remember to clean your lens dude! Haha but it happens. Editing wise, its cut together very well by the director of the film, Jason Bigart, and I really do like the blue color concept that's present in this film, which I hope to see continue in their other installments. For me, my only "flaw" of sorts is that I can tell is that the script definitely seems to be written in a way that this acts as more of a single part of a much bigger picture, and while I am aware of them doing sequels, this could be seen as an issue for the film, being that it should be able to stand on its own without its sequels while still being able to have said sequels. But I see what they're doing, and I like it! Over all, good job guys.
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