Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Good riddance GOT
20 May 2019
It's really sad that the series was so good for so many years and kept building and building. And then after two years of waiting, season 8 finally comes only to disappoint on so many levels. It's really sad for everyday viewers who loved and watched the show for years.

In the end I'm left wondering where or what made it all go wrong, if the show runners simply couldn't tell the same great story the author had came up with once they surpassed the books, if they just didn't care and wanted to wrap up so they could move onto bigger and better things? Maybe in the end they thought they were delivering or ending something great. All I do know is that I'm disappointed and left with an empty feeling, not one that the story intended to leave me with. More like watching a piece of beautiful art being destroyed. And it's really sad to know what was and what could have been, and now never will be...

Oh well... Time will go on, people like myself will rant and rave for a bit and finally move on to something else. What's done is done and can never be undone. Unfortunately this show will not go down like Breaking bad or Lord of the Rings, or one of the greats, but rather like Dexter (a show I had to search on as I already couldn't remember the name). Basically a show that had so much potential, but just couldn't finish strong, and as a result 10+ years from now will be largely forgotten

Learn from this HBO...
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