Secrecy and avoiding spoilers did no good to the Russos
19 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I feel content and as of a meaningful chapter of my life is properly closed? No.

I'll tell you the issues I have with this movie as a fan from the beginning. It does not close character arcs. No where in this movie does Thanos realise his mistake or the flaws of his plans. It does not seem redeeming or feel satisfying as a fan when villains show no remorse or guilt. They just die. It's anticlimactic. Hawkeye kills a bunch of people yet it is Natasha that sacrifices herself. A death which was rushed by the directors, to a point where she didn't get a Funeral. The Russo's decides post production that she should die instead of Clint. Were we supposed to empathise with his family that has little emotional value to long running fans? Was she a more worthy character to be killed because the actress no longer wishes to return to the role after her solo Black Widow movie? That's the issue, the writers and directors have always made open ended films. They are used to designing entertainment that sparks curiousity to what happens next (even though they barely follow up). That is why they did a poor job of finishing story arcs. Steve Rogers travelling back in time should have created an alternative timeline, as they had previously mentioned killing baby thanks would. Steve Rogers clearly suffering from PTSD once again, shows intentions of destructive behaviour if their plan to bring back the fallen doesn't work. Then he accomplished that, then left his entire life behind for a woman he barely knew. Because the writers didn't know how to come to an end. Tony's death was impactful, I'd say his storyline was the heart of the film.

There are alot more issues I have, Thor's storyline was fun but at times I suspected that his body shape was a running joke that I couldn't understand because to me fat people are not funny simply by existing, yet the audience in the theatre took a look at him and laughed, the fat jokes did him no favour. It really showed that the Russo's could not keep up with taika Waititi's humour. Okoye and Captain Marvel, two strong leads, were completely ignored at times.. Nebula had a good arc but she scarified herself. As her sister, Gamorra was willing to do I'm iW. These sisters are erased from a timeline now, and what this does to the guardians in that timeline unsettles me.

I feel like the story was incredibly rushed. This is a Disney movie. They kept it very disney. I wanted a bit more angst. A bit more intellect. And I do believe if the Russo's weren't so committed to secrecy then they would have communicated better with writers and the actors that know these characters.

The movie in its entirety was not impressive. I don't understand how the same directors and writers who made one of the best superhero movies in 2014, where characters had depth and reasoning, could end up making something that is incomparable to the older movies.

The directors are also adding concepts after the release that make no sense, such as Bucky being less than human (a tortured war veteran), then saying things as Natasha will not get a Funeral because she has no family, etc etc. They have almost 0 understanding of certain characters.
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