Franchise Fatigue Setting in
19 May 2019
I don't know why but it took me a long while before I felt like watching this one. Something about it seemed quite predictable and I got a "been there done that" sort of feel from it. But last night I was bored so I said to myself, why not give it a shot. So here we go.

First, the pros are there for sure. The effects are very well done as expected, the story zipped along at a fast enough pace and the acting was good and adequate for this genre. So why was I so disappointed?

I think it's because as I watched, I felt like I had seen all this before and could almost predict in details what would happen next. I really tried hard to let myself get invaded by the story and gave it a fair shot but as the film progressed I got more and more disillusioned to the point that I had to fast forward certain scenes to speed things along even though the story was not exactly that slow.

I guess it's also because there's been quite a few movies in that franchise already and well, it seemed like overkill. But that doesn't totally explain why I disliked it. I think it's just that I might not be in the key demographics for this particular type of movie even though I usually like sci-fiction films.

A 5 star rating might seem low compared with all the glowing reviews this got here although at rottentomatoes it was certified rotten with a 48% score which I tend to agree with. Basically, I got blasé quite fast and my level of interest declined instead of rising. So if you end up liking or even loving it, good for you. But as for me, I am not fond of this and will never watch it again.
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