14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The CGI within this film is exceptional and made me really feel that the Pokemon in which were on the screen were real which left me leaving the cinema disappointed I wasn't going to be seeing real life Pokemon. Making an adaptation of a gaming world in which is vastly loved is a hard thing to do however I feel that this film done it perfectly and is one of the best adaptations of a game made into live action I have ever seen. I also found that the humour within this film was spot on and helped to really make this film great for the whole family as well as a hit with adults who grew up with the Pokemon franchise. Not only this but having links to Kanto with Mewtwo shown as the villain though later found out to be the good guy within this gave a lot of nostalgia as well as made the audience feel for him and the pain in which he had been suffering. This movie did make me really happy and smile and get excited as well as upset me at moments and have me close to tears with showing how Pikachu was really his father who was about to die. This was a really sweet moment of the movie and one that stayed with me even after the movie ended. I really hope that this is something in which they do more often and that Pokemon keep doing live action movies as this was done perfectly and as a result has become my favourite movie of 2019 so far!

There is nothing about this film in which I could fault and I highly recommend Detective Pikachu to those who are a fan of the Pokemon franchise but also those who are looking for a great family movie. This is definitely my favourite movie of 2019 so far and I really hope that they make more live action movies! I am definitely going to be buying this movie when it gets released onto physical format.
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