After seeing it a few times, it becomes very special
13 May 2019
This is one of those movies that you really need to see a few times before judging. Many people have said they don't like it or were disappointed with it. When I first watched it, I thought it was a little boring. But now it seems quite special. There are a few action scenes that seem to feel sort of "empty", but overall it's a great movie. And unlike most Hollywood movies these days, it has no foul language or anything inappropriate.

This is not one of those sequels like "Return to Oz" or "Home Alone 4"- a movie that's treated as a sequel but doesn't fit the story or style of the original. "Mary Poppins Returns" is indeed a true sequel, with pretty much the same style and feel to it even though it was made by different people. It's impressive that they could make a true sequel to a movie that's over half a century old. It has numerous similarities, and a story that unfolds in a rather similar manor. I think the story is actually better than the first one, it has more of a plot to it. The first movie was basically just about family conflicts and having fun. This movie also involves a family trying to save their house from greedy bankers. I like it how the kids try to help with it. Though their efforts don't amount to much, it's nice the ways that they try to help.

Mary Poppins's behavior or personality is noticeably different, but since it takes place 25 years after the first film, it doesn't really matter. All of the actors in the film, including the kids did an excellent job. But what makes the movie so special is that Dick Van Dyke appears. His role is rather brief, but priceless. It's hard to believe that he's still acting and that he's the same person who played Bert in the first movie. I just wish that Julie Andrews had appeared also. It's a real shame that she turned it down.
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