This movie saved my marriage!
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Never has a movie changed my life so much that I would need to write a review on its comedic genius and beauty. My wife and I really hated each other because we took things too seriously. But then we saw the might of Mike Myers as he effortlessly portrayed the person I am inside. It taught me that I should not be afraid of my desire to be a cat. I will become the cat in the hat. And go door to door to inform people of this incredible film. I will now describe the beauty of this movie in detail, however disregard the creepy moments of the movie that is the only flaw anyone could ever find in this meowvie nay experience! I learned so many words and phrases includinh whatsamajiger and whosamiwhatsit however I disagree with the rating of the movie. I feel the ones who gave it said rating were to little of mind to comprehend the magnificence and darkness of the movie. The cat, obviously, represents the innocence of America's youth as it was taken by a creepy creature or communism. As shown when he unexplainedly appeared in their home unannounced. Conrad represents the evil in our our hearts and must be destroyed. And Sally is what we should aspire to be due to her astounding logical conclusions on matters. The things, are weird and creepy, however and are the only discernable flaw in the movie.
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