Limited: The Pretense of The New Documentary
11 May 2019
Documentary film makers have a responsibility to its audience, to get to the bottom of a story, to be accurate in the story you're presenting. Simply, to tell the truth.

Not only does this film negate any of the above qualities; the first half hour plays out like an episode of Jersey Shore. Scripted scenes, presented as "reality" included. A good documentary contains an objective and broad overview of a subject, while zeroing in on its macro and micro societal implications and their effects. The objective of the film makers own notions, is made obvious, with their chosen location and time period. Panama resort, during spring break. Somehow this small world and time period is meant to represent an entire generation and their belief and value system around sex?!

This film does make some valid points surrounding the media's influence on sexuality. However, not enough to lend an validity to the films subject.

The level of integrity, ethical responsibility, and accuracy, for what constitutes a documentary nowadays, is well depicted, in this films shameful direction, about an entire generation.
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