The Marksman (1953)
A barely watchable so-so B-Western movie
5 May 2019
With a leading actor who looked so old and lumpy but constantly been called "Son", "Young Man" in this loosely scripted Western. This movie was dated and released in 1953 and Wayne Morris, who played the marksman, was only about 39 years old, but his facial look was so droopy like a person over 50 or 60, the muscle under his chin already loose and droopy that only old guys would have; exactly like Gary Cooper's old chin and neck, yet still played in lot of movies like young stud, co-starred by many actresses half of his age. Wayne Morris' physical condition was worse than what Gary Cooper's, since Cooper was slim and tall in good proportion, unlike Morris' unbalanced upper body, so heavy and ballooned like a retired rancher, but his lower body below his waist was just the opposite, long and slim but not as strong and stable as a guy under 40 should have to be look like. His facial features also not quite good enough to be called as a "Young Man" or "Son", just old enough already to be treated as an late middle aged guy. His look was the weakest part in this movie that not easy for me to accept his role as it should be.

The screenplay was such a one-way predictable no-brainer. And the music, the ever playing non-stop score whenever those guys on horses, so loud and so annoying and so disturbing. The romance in this movie was another joke, so shallow and so haste, not enough to fully develop into a believable one either.

Wayne Morris was a terrible cast through and through.
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