Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
This is not Game of Thrones...
30 April 2019
OK, firstly let it be known that I love game of throne. I have recently re-watched the entire series again in preparation for season 8. This episode for me was a complete and utter let down. Visually very boring with the same type of repetitive shot over and over again.

This was a long battle, yes. but long for the sake of being long does not equal good. It was bad. Very bad. The pseudo deaths were also extremely annoying, as soon as you think a major player was gone, they turn back up again to once again defeat the terrible odds they face. The plot armor is strong with this one. The CGI was sub-par and I think that is why they went with the muddy dark tone of the episode. This is not the Game of thrones I fell in love with all those years ago. This is just another mediocre, bloated contrived mess like all the other average shows out there. Come on GOT you're better than this. You could of at least shown the scene where everyone was handed out teleportation juice and plot armor.

There were a few moments spread throughout the episode I thought were cool. But that's it, a few moments. The episode as a whole was just so disappointing. I don't understand all these 10/10 reviews, clearly blind fan boy/girl sheep who are in denial?

4/10 - please don't ruin this series by jumping the shark with these last 3 episodes.
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