Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Too dark (Lighting Wise), Poor Direction.
29 April 2019
In my opinion the battle was very epic but there were too many close ups and it was filmed too dark. It was hard for me to get into it because it seemed like it focussed so much on making an epic battle that they forgot to give it the quality that I am used to this show providing. It seemed very forced and almost amatuer at points with how dark they tried to make it. It was like the batman v superman/Justice league episode of the series. Lots of hype but not enough sticking to the formula of what this show has provided us with for the entire time until now... With all that said, its still GOT and its freaking awesome no doubt but I just feel that the director and or editors dropped the ball when it came to shooting and or finalizing this episode. It didn't have to be quite so dark... it didn't really detail the action in a way that would enhance how much more exciting it could have been. I guess they were trying to show us how difficult it was for the characters to see first hand, yet in the end I believe that strategy may have taken away from the battle, because I spent more time trying to visualize what was happening than I took enjoying the excitement. But, in the end its Freakin GOT and I enjoyed it. I just have very high expectations for this last season and I hope the rest of the season will live up to the GREATNESS Im used to experiencing.

I tried not to spoil anything for anyone who may not have watched or finished the episode... Enjoy. No matter what GOT is still and always will be one of the greatest stories ever told.
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