Doctor Who: Death in Heaven (2014)
Season 8, Episode 12
Death..just kinda everywhere really for no real reason
26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the shocking (to at least some I'm sure) reveals from the previous episode, we have the season finale. The Cybermen take off since they can now fly (which should make them much more dangerous than they seem) but not before UNIT captures both the Doctor and Missy. Meanwhile, Clara is desperately trying to convince the Cybermen that she is the Doctor cause somehow they would then spare her, which goes completely contrary to all the times they have specifically tried to kill the Doctor. So..some problems already but still makes for a fun scene, especially once Danny Pink shows up and rescues her a Cyberman (but still in control). Seriously, this poor guy. Even dying isn't the worse thing that happens to him.

While we do have some fairly exciting scenes with the Cybermen attack on the British equivalent to air force one (also, the Doctor is the president of Earth..for's cool, don't worry about it), some of the Missy scenes are a bit over the top (though not quite John Simms over the top) and even slightly disturbing at times, especially with Osgood's death. But to be fair, it makes her a rather scary villain. Also, her motivations are played up a little much for dramatic effect but it still mostly works.

My only real problem is that even after Danny Pink eliminates his emotions he is still independent from Cybermen control which completely negates everything we know about them. There are some scenarios where I would believe this outcome, but the explanation of "love isn't an emotion it is a promise" falls really flat and is obnoxiously sappy.

Even so, the wrap up is done rather nicely with Clara lying that Danny survived so the Doctor will return home to Galifrey, and the Doctor lying that Galifrey is back so that Clara can live happily with Danny. It feels heartfelt, and a bit bittersweet. Would have been a fitting end for Clara's adventures in the TARDIS but that'll have to wait til season 9. 8/10
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