Supernatural (2005– )
After all those years, this one became a classic
25 April 2019
All the tv shows are having their ups and downs, so is Supernatural, but this one here so grow on me over 10+ years I've been watching the show, it would be unfair if I gave it a score under 10. Over my college years, different cities I've been living at in search for job and myself actually - Winchesters and Casstiel were always here almost every week to entertain me. A long way Supernatural and myself have done over the years so the news about ending the show with 15th season get to me more than I could imagine.

As a horror and mythology lover, it didn't took long for this show to get my attention. Leading actors are great, they gave their characters so much life and it is really easy to bond with Winchester/Casstiel gang (except Mary Winchester - she never really had that spark, but I blame writers for not giving her better story) . You know how the friends are becoming friends? You just spend enough time with those people and if you have any mutual interests, you are becoming friends after time. Supernatural is not masterpiece by any means, but those characters crawl under your skin over the years, so ending the show is like watching your good friend leaving for good.

Personally, I really recommend this one here if you are into demons, angels, ghosts, ghouls and a touch of a family drama. Great horror-fantasy with some comic relef and at some times really cheesy but you will be entertained all the way through if you are into any of those. And soundtrack! Oh, the soundtrack... classic and modern rock all the time - it doesn't get much better than that!

So go and watch it!
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