A Harrowing but Brilliant Odyssey
22 April 2019
This film is a remarkably harrowing character study. Most of the time, the plot takes a back seat- it doesn't go much further than Harley trying to get money or drugs- but the plot is not the thing that drives this story; what drives the story is the tumultuous, destructive chemistry between characters. This film gives us a passenger car filled with characters to care about, and all of them are barreling blindly towards an inevitable train wreck, and honestly, it's impossible to look away. Arielle Holmes does an amazing job portraying Harley, which makes sense considering the character is based on her life experiences. As she wanders through the streets, bleary-eyed and dejected, continuously making decisions that will sink her further into her habit and further into trouble, we can't help but feel sorry for her. She inspires so much sympathy, but at the same time so much frustration. She is a beautifully broken schismatic character searching for redemption, and this film is an incredible odyssey to experience. For our full review of "Heaven Knows What".
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