Full House: Breaking Away (1994)
Season 8, Episode 2
Parents Missing Their Kids.
20 April 2019
It seems that it is always the child that misses the parent. In cases like this, this opposite can happen.

Remember in season 6 when Kicky and Alex got accepted to Bouton Hall pre-school? Well here they are finally going. Well, I don't know if this is Bouton Hall, but it certainly took them long enough to get there.

Becky is sad that her sons are growing up and starting preschool. Jesse takes them and has a similar attack. He decides that he can teach the boys things at home so that they don't fall behind come kindergarten. It doesn't work. Jesse and Joey are simply too dumb to know anything.

Remember Stephanie's enemy, Gia? Well they are now friends and Gia's image is rubbing off onto Stephanie.

I did like this episode, but thought is was a little too short. But being 30 minutes, that's expected to happen. A longer episode would have given us more of a perspective on Jesse and Becky missing their sons.
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