Average Western
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As westerns go, it is a decent movie. However, I expected, or rather hoped for, a little more gunplay and gunfights. Instead it follows a pretty standard storyline with a big shootout in the end. What is a little bit different is that it got some elements of a mystery to it. Portman's character Jane and Edgerton's Dan clearly have a history together, there is tension there, although very little about it is known or revealed at the beginning. What clouds the picture is that Jane is married, with her husband lying dying, shot by the bandits hunting Jane. Why they hunt Jane is also unclear though. As Jane and Dan prepare for the inevitable attack they talk and more and more of the events leading up to the situation is revealed.

It is an interesting story, which Portman and Edgerton delivers well. And it is a good movie. But, if you are expecting a movie with a little more action and gunplay, which the title lead me to believe, it also comes down lacking a little bit. It does have the final shootout, but is not as exiting as hoped. Too few exchanges and duels. More of a massive onslaught that forces Jane and Dan to take cover. No real suspense, as the battle tilts quickly in their favor.

Some nice talent, with Portman and Edgerton leading the way. Ewan McGregor also does well as the leader of the gang hunting them.

Certainly good enough to watch once if you like westerns. Too few new quality westerns are made nowadays, this is one of them. But it won't be mistaken for a modern classic.
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