The dark prince Alastor and the sequel of the hellbox
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For a Hellraiser fan, like me, this little tribute, has everything a fan want. The pacing of the movie is good, so when the priest opens the mythical box, Alastor appears with the demons from the dark dimension to claim it, it´s the eternal battle between good and evil, but it works so fine here, love the fact that finally the master of hell appears, i won´t forget his evil laughter anytime soon, the effects were impressive considering the budget.

The cinematography and editing in the movie was perfect to show a hellish like atmosphere that is continuous in the movie while in the scenes with the demons and Alastor. The music as well is portrayed brilliantly, I thought the director did very well. The make-up and gore was nothing to make it seem fake, I actually didn't notice anything odd about it, it seemed very well done for this movie.

Another good sequel, that i will buy on blu-ray. For now i´ll have to wait for the 3rd chapter that´s already filming.
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