Cord (2015)
8 April 2019
This post-apocalyptic story centers around the forbidden pleasures in bleak surroundings of perpetual winter. A young man brings a young girl to an experimenter, in exchange to an upgrade to his device that provides sexual stimulation. The girl stays with the experimenter, attracted wit the promise of the amplified sexual sensation. The experiments go on and eventually take an unexpected turn. The set is restricted but imaginative, consisting solely of the experimenters hut, which is full of weird devices and hoarded junk. We don't know what caused the apocalypse, but the result is a world devoid of almost any trace of civilisation. The life is primitive, reduced to satisfying only basic needs, with the exception of the vestige of science embodied in the main protagonist. The cast is competent, the direction as well, but the weakness is the story. There is no complexity or development beyond the initial premise, and the premise itself is somewhat muddled. This project would be better suited as a short film. It is worth watching, though, as it provides a novel angle to a well-known story of survival and devolution. To those concerned, the nudity is measured and in function of the story, an the violence is minimal.
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