The Last Boy (2019)
Lyrically beautiful and poignant
6 April 2019
I have to admit I am not usually a fan of dystopian movies. I don't enjoy their typically bleak and pessimistic undertones and often I find the characters quite unrelatable. That is not the case with 'The Last Boy'. I found it captivating. I found myself caring for the characters and what they were going through and I wanted to understand exactly what it was they were facing. There is an element of mystery here as the movie unravels exactly what is happening. I was on the edge of my seat many times. It doesn't answer all those questions completely, but I think that was intentional. It certainly had me thinking about this movie after it was over. I don't think it will be a long time till I watch it again. How refreshing and welcome to see a movie of this type that doesn't involve hormonally charged twenty-something year olds pretending to be seventeen year olds. Instead this movie is moving and poignant. The acting is great, the soundtrack is beautiful and enhances the story without assaulting your ear drums, and the effects are good but don't dominate the movie. At only 90 minutes in length, this movie never outstays its welcome. In fact, I would have been happy for it to last a bit longer, but that's okay. I find it odd that most reviews of this movie I have read suggest that the star is Luke Goss (who I have never heard of) who plays Jay when, in fact, it is young Flynn Allen as Sira who carries the film. The ending seems to suggest there could be a sequel to this. I don't know if I want that. This movie stands on its own and I would hate to see it be diminished by lesser follow ups. 'The Last Boy' is a great movie and I thoroughly recommend it.
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