Proven Innocent: The Burden of Truth (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
So much wasted potential
2 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The show has a good premise of a former wrongfully convicted lawyer who seeks justice for other wrongfully convicted people. The supporting characters are solid and Kelsey Grammer is a great rival for our main character. Why does it fall short? The writing is ridiculously poor. Every episode by some obscure

If you know anything about the law it is not even close to reasonable. When the main character Madeline goes off on some self-serving rant that has nothing to do with the case at hand, the prosecutors just watch rather than object. Guilty parties confess for no reason, witnesses with no reason to cooperate are convinced out of convenience to the plot and every episode the court room cheers as Madeline seems to never lose.

Did I mention she punched a girl in prison in front of a CO and was not disciplined for it? It's that ridiculous.
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