Supergirl: All About Eve (2019)
Season 4, Episode 17
Poor Lena
1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start with the obvious, just the fact that Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor does not appear in this episode is a bit of a letdown, he has become the best villain this series has ever had; and tho it is a given that Lex Luthor, who is the arch nemesis of Superman would be a threat to any Kryptonian, Cryer's interpretation has joined the pantheon of great Arrowverse villains like Tom Cavanaugh's Eobard Thawne.

Going back to this episode, Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) has to come to terms that she was utterly betrayed by Eve Tesmacher (Andrea Brooks), who seems to have an enormous romantic interest in Lex, but to Lena it means one more person in her life has betrayed her, and at the same time she fears the repercussions that her own involvement with Lex and their collaboration with the Harun-El would bring upon her life and the trust of her friends.

We also saw Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) work with Lena again, and their relationship has been shaky at best since Lena started creating Kryptonite last season, and one great aspect of this is the duality of Supergirl when it comes to Lena. Because as Lena's best friend, Kara Danvers she defends Lena against all odds but as The Girl of Tomorrow she mistrusts her, which is rather odd because their friendship would ultimately crumble if and when Lena finds out Kara has been lying to her all this time about who she is, and become yet another person in her life who has betrayed her, which seems to be a recurring theme for her, but the Luthor name is a heavy burden, specially when all she wants to do is help humanity, unlike her evil brother.

But since Lex started trying to help the world, would this be an omen of what is to come for Lena? At this moment in time, no one would blame her if she snapped all of a sudden and became a villain.

I rate this episode 8 out of 10, it had a lot of filler aspects and it seems it was just a set up for a much larger confrontation between Supergirl and Lex, with one casualty already announced, Lena Luthor's heart.
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