A true sequel, much better than I Spit on Your Grave 2
31 March 2019
I Spit on Your Grave 3 is a direct follow up to the first movie, ignoring I Spit on Your Grave 2 entirely. It is much better off for it. Where the second movie was just the same plot, but with a worse story, worse effects and MUCH worse acting, this third movie goes in a different direction. Instead of dealing with the direct result of an assault, the main character is now dealing with the effects on her life re-integrating into society.

Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler) has taken up a new name (Angela) and a new life, but is still haunted by the events of the first movie, when she suffered a violent assault and gang rape. She joins a survivors group, where she meets Marla, who has extreme views on how perpetrators should be treated. After Marla's death, Angela picks up where she left off, as an avenging angel.

This change of pace works well for the character and the franchise. The gore is toned down some, but is made up for with story. Not that anything is top notch caliber. but coming off the last movie in the series, it seems 10X better.
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