The Andy Griffith Show: The Family Visit (1964)
Season 5, Episode 3
Get me a Spindle Wrench
30 March 2019
Relatives from out of town come for a visit with their two young boys and upset the Taylor household. This was an episode without Don Knotts (Barney) who in later years would take occasional time off I beleive "Family Visit" became the model of what to do when the shows main source of comedy (Barney) was not in the script. It was all about Andy's reactions to situations and this story had several good examples. Watch Andy's face at the breakfast table when his Uncle Ollie complains he "did not sleep a wink". This after Andy spent a sleepless night being kept awake by Ollies snoring and tossing and turning. Watch Andy's reaction when his Aunt Nora wont get off the official courthouse phone until Andy speaks to her spinster friend she thinks is perfect for him. And watch Andy's reaction to Uncle Ollie's multiple blustery displays of boorish behavior like playing with the siren in the squad car, randomly grabbing the rifles out of the gun rack and chastising a local who comes in the courthouse to pay a fine. Guest stars Maudie Prickett and James Westerfield are excellent as the bickering relatives in this one of the funniest non-Barney episodes.
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