Doctor Who: Before the Flood (2015)
Season 9, Episode 4
Lacking in so many ways...
29 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the best of the Dr Who "two-parters" that manage an impressive (augmentative) change of mood between I and II, "Before the Flood" perpetuates the same (lack of) atmosphere as could be esperienced in its predecessor "Under the Lake". The pair of episodes might be though to bear a passing resemblance to the Season 2 pairing of "the Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit" and therefore offers a salutary lesson. The latter (chronologically far-earlier) Tennant-Piper outing featured a very strong/superb supporting cast while this pair of episodes has to make do with the lacklustre Capaldi and Coleman with some rather quickly-forgettable others. The Season 9 outing also lacks the amazing music of its predecessor, the genuie scares and atmosphere, the thought-provoking questions and clarity of plot.

Here the Doctor jumps through hoops to try and make things meaningful, but somehow it all sounds like trying-too-hard, pretentious twaddle in the end. Self-belief is somehow lacking, humour is also thin on the ground, and - despite the endless verbosity - this episode actually has rather little to say.

The time-paradox reveal here is beyond my comprehension (veteran of such episodes as I am), and more to the point ... who really cares?
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