Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019 Video Game)
All Consuming Greatness!
28 March 2019
Sekiro has consumed my mind in ways that few video games have. While this game contains many similarities to Dark Souls and Bloodborne, it definitely stands on its own as a unique creation of genius! The game strikes a perfect balance of fast intense action while rewarding you thoroughly for methodical, strategic planning. And as much as it rewards you for being intentional, it punishes you for being foolhardy! I often found fighting one enemy challenging, two enemies overwhelming, and three enemies to be certain death! The movement is sublime! The ease and speed with which you can grapple up to a roof, sprint across a roof, and back stab an enemy makes one feel like a true shinobi! It's exhilarating! And I would be remiss to not mention the bosses and mini-bosses. The game is littered with mini-bosses everywhere. Standard enemies range from simple to very difficult. Mini-bosses and Bosses crank it up a notch! At times, I felt like a newbie to the action genre because of how frequently I was figuratively and literally crushed! When your first attempt lasts approximately three seconds as the samurai in front of you carves you into fresh sushi, only to resurrect and die again half a second later, it is simultaneously comical and depressing. But then in true souls fashion, eventually you prevail on the 5th, 10th, or 50th attempt and you feel yourself overtaken by state of euphoria as you land that oh so satisfying final death blow! Also, I deeply appreciate how Sekiro, in a stroke of genius, allows most mini-bosses to be completely skipped until you are physically and mentally prepared to rise to the challenge.

Its difficult to say enough about the wonderful game of Sekiro. Exploration, movement, combat, and the art direction are all sublime. These many pieces fit together perfectly to create a game that will be one of the greatest games of 2019 if not all time!
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