Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth (2008)
Season 4, Episode 12
Earth Shattering
26 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Stolen Earth / Journey's End

This is a thrilling 2-part story as the Earth is plunged into peril with the Doctor's friends banding together to help try to help. The Daleks are revealed as being behind the terrible events and their creator Davros is back leading them.

The exciting tension, menace and action in these episodes is terrific and the arrival of the daleks and reveal of Davros returning in the first part really were heart thumpingly good. The friends of the doctor teaming up was also exciting and joyous. The storyline manages to make the events really feel threatening and scary and the cliffhanger was incredibly surprising and suspenseful.

Getting the Doctor's greatest ever companion (imo) Sarah Jane Smith (the joyous Lis Sladen) back was wonderful and we also get Donna and Wilf who had been amazing in this series becoming my favourite 'NuWho' companions. Truly wonderful characters. Rose, Captain Jack and Martha are also fantastic and the fabulous Penelope Wilton as Harriet Jones redeems her great character which is very pleasing.

This is filled with danger and big epic entertainment but it also has some dark, thoughtful and interesting themes threaded through it and excellent dialogue bringing emotional drama.

The story also is technically exceptional with great effects and superb make up for Davros. Julian Bleach is mesmerisingly good as Davros emulating the tremendous classic versions like Michael Wisher and Terry Molloy. Bleach exhibits flawless acting in creepy, intelligent face offs with the Doctor.

This electrifying finale is the 4th in a row of the phenomenal final 6 episodes of Series 4 to be written by Russell T. Davies. He brings his final full series as Showrunner to a wonderful conclusion and proves his top class writing ability.

The superb Graeme Harper directs as expertly as always and the effects and make up are top notch.

The Daleks and Davros are properly menacing and exciting in this story with neither overshadowing the other which is great. The moment Davros remembers Sarah Jane is magic.

The storyline is epic to the point of being, perhaps, nearly over the top in a way. It is quite challenging at times as so much is jammed in and so many big ideas are thrown at us. What stops it from losing its top quality for me is that it is all internally logical as well as hugely entertaining. It never becomes silly or illogical.

The heartbreaking conclusion with Donna was hard to accept for me. It is gutting. But I see it as a huge credit to Davies and the story he has given us because, unlike Steven Moffatt who repeatedly reversed and cheated his way out of sad events, Davies hammers us with a fate for Donna which is almost more hurtful than if she had died. It is hugely emotional and the acting of Catherine Tate, Bernard Cribbins and David Tennant is phenomenal throughout the story as well as in the tear jerking ending. So it actually adds to the quality because it is such a tough ending. I won't mind if Donna's memory is finally restored many years later because that won't reduce the hard-hitting result of this story with its long lasting sad outcome.

The action, drama and every aspect of this is just great entertainment.

My Rating for both episodes: 10/10.
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