Seinfeld: The Kiss Hello (1995)
Season 6, Episode 16
Side-splitting Jerry Torture
25 March 2019
As though the name tags idea wasn't insane enough, Kramer gets the idea of having a community board with everyone's name and photo displayed. It's well intentioned (and so were the name tags) but backfires disastrously, of course. Not because it's an invasion of privacy, but because the people in Jerry's building have the annoying habit of greeting each other with a kiss on the cheek, and when Jerry is in their line of sight, it's unwarranted. Jerry suffers in the most hilarious way in this episode, although it's a little uncomfortable given that here he didn't do anything to deserve what happens to him and wasn't even that rude when he dodged his neighbors invasive greetings. The unflattering photo Kramer takes of Jerry with his camera, the ways Jerry tries to avoid the kisses, and the kiss on the mouth he gets from Kramer are all side splitting. Another top-notch Seinfeld episode.
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