Review of Shona

Gunsmoke: Shona (1963)
Season 8, Episode 22
Quint to the rescue
25 March 2019
Burt Reynolds as half-Comanche Quint Asper, Dodge City's new blacksmith, is showcased in this episode -- saving a Comanche woman from being abducted when Matt Dillon is out of town away at Fort Larned. He does it all without a gun too, only too aware that a couple of dozen of his fellow townsfolk would like any excuse ("Injun on the warpath!") to lynch him. Miriam Colon is suitably sympathetic and fetching as Shona; Robert Bray is her husband, going on to be Lassie's human for a few series; and John Crawford does his job as the usual all-purpose reprobate stirring the citizenry up. An appearance is made by Roy Roberts, beyond coincidence, following extremely tight type-casting as the hotel manager with a "restricted" policy, showing the ethnic minority the door in virtually a repeat of his role in the classic AA-winner "Gentlemen's Agreement" of 16 years before.
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