Whiskey Cavalier: When in Rome (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple of episodes of this show were inoffensive but contained much of the usual silliness and clichés you'd expect from a prime-time, network show; The emasculated White, male agent (his emotions get in the way of the job), the overly-butch, female agent (gets shot, loses a ton of blood, has bullet removed with a knife and no anaesthetic, can still jump up and save the day!), the antagonistic banter between them, the pressed-into-service, funny hacker, political correctness (a woman with both a husband and a lesbian lover, White characters repeatedly referring to a Black woman with mostly blonde hair as "the blonde"), etc. The one really good thing that it had going for it was the location shooting.

With episode 3 they started pushing the inevitable, Liberal agenda. Since demonizing Americans who oppose illegal immigration has been done to death, it seems that writers have now decided to start in on Europeans.

The team of agents is tasked with extricating an American engineer from a gathering of an Italian Neo-Fascist group that he's building a bomb for. The leader of the fascist group is named Luca Crudele. Crudele is Italian for "cruel." Gosh, the person who came up with that was clever (not!).

Prince tells the team, "Due to the Italian immigrant crisis, Right-wing hate groups have been popping up all over the place." Chase says, "And I'm guessing they convince their followers that immigrants are the cause of all problems plaguing Italy?", to which Prince responds, "Exactly." How ridiculous! No one in Italy, no matter how Conservative, thinks that immigrants are responsible for ALL problems in Italy! Oh, and the "crisis" is that the majority of immigrants are actually ECONOMIC migrants, leeching off the government and causing the crime-rate to sky-rocket.

Italy is a poor, Socialist country. Citizens earn low (compared to the U.S.) salaries and up to 43% of those salaries go to taxes. Over 5 million citizens live in absolute poverty. Thousands of poor, Italian families are on waitlists for public housing while immigrants get put up in hotels and paid a stipend. So, yes, the majority of Italians now see unchecked immigration as a bad thing but, no, that doesn't make them fascists or racists.

Instead of simply pushing a biased agenda, perhaps television writers should actually try doing some research on the subject they're writing about. If they did, they might know about all the problems migrants have been causing in Italy. Just last week, a Senegalese man set a bus full of Italian school children on fire (fortunately, they were saved by police). Do we ever see TRUE stories like that mirrored in TV shows? Nope. It's just, "poor refugees" and "meanie Right-wingers who don't care about refugees" again and again and again.

It's this refusal to acknowledge reality and insistence on pushing a (false) narrative that makes consumers distrust the media.

Stop it. Just stop.
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