The Final Problem
23 March 2019
There is a cinematic element to The Final Problem as Holmes faces grave dangers to his life from Moriarty's henchmen right from the beginning.

The Mona Lisa has been stolen and the French authorities have bought in Sherlock Holmes.

Moriarty plans to use the story of the theft to sell expertly forged copies. However his plans are scuppered by the meddling detective.

Holmes and Watson flee to the continent with Moriarty giving chase. There is an encounter between the two at Reichenbach Falls.

Looking back at this know it is astonishing how I have not got used to younger version of the characters in the modern take of Sherlock and the Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes films. Porter really does look old in the part and it shows when the two men grapple when the fight scenes should be more punchy.

Dr Watson breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience at the end of the episode.

Sadly this was David Burke's final episode as Watson. He decided to concentrate on theatre and spend time raising his young son. I always liked Burke's interpretation of Watson and preferred his version more than Edward Hardwicke's.
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