Insightful eyeopening self reflective
22 March 2019
A must see for all generations...a true grass roots film funded to incite thoightful questions about our future as a nation plagued by indentured servitude once at hands of Masters now turned Corporation! Killer Mike is trutjful honest and sincere in his sense of urgency as most know the once sectionized segregated part of most inner cities is now being gentrified! To combate the perpetual never ending cycle of low class indentification solely based on skin tone one must approach as David did advancing upon Goliath! Killer Mike at times comical yet thoroughly points out the magnitude and depth of thought we all need to attack issues and institutions that are outdated and hypocritical to their founding purpose . This movie is the first stone cast to build a Magnificent Bridge which will one day provide passage over troubled waters knowns merely as Usa.
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