Society Fever (1935)
Is excessive chattiness a symptom of "society fever"?
19 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It must be the poor print and creaky sound of this post-code comedy that kept me from being ingrained in its 67 minutes of high society nonsense. There really seemed to be little plot other than the desperation of the one seemingly classy member of a nuvo riche family to make a good impression on an old money family when she is thrust into the sudden announcement of a party at their newly acquired mansion.

Silent actress Lois Wilson holds it all together, doing her best to tone her family down, in hosting the swells of society, led by none other than Hedda Hopper, along with powerful Lloyd Hughes. Arguments with the staff threatens to disturb the success of the party, with various romantic entanglements between the younger characters (of which there are way too many) causing more friction. The title of the film and even some of the cast suggests that this might have been more successful had it been made by the MGM B unit, where the writing team might have cut out two or three of the supporting characters. It's an admiral attempt by a poverty row studio to attempt drawing room comedy, but for this to have more than a dozen supporting characters for such a short film makes it difficult to truly follow everything on the first viewing.
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