17 March 2019
It's clear from the opening shot of this film that we are in safe directorial hands. Interesting, unusual, bold and then as it turns out, quite an important shot for the holistic story. And it's a sign post to what we should expect going forward, because this is a film that will hold your attention even though it's a little different from the norm. Bullitt County feels like a Coen Brothers film, especially their earlier work with perhaps a nod to Fargo. That's not to be underestimated. The fact that you can even compare a film to the Coen Brothers work is very, very special. But that's what we have here.

Bullitt County introduces a small group of characters and we watch how they react in a limited number of locations as the story exposes itself to them. This is the trope of the low budget, independent film but it's only in this logistical regard that the budget is exposed. Because everything about this film is top notch, technically and artistically. This is especially true of the acting. Everyone from top to bottom are thoroughly superb. They are believable, interesting, compelling, and their relationship to each other is authentic. That elusive "chemistry". We really care about these people and what is - and has - happening to them.

The film is a story in multiple genres, starting out as an ensemble drama with some well played light comedy but we feel like there's a shift in tone coming, and it does - with a bang. The only misstep for me in the plot is how we arrive at that major turning point of the story. The characters' sense of danger - their motivation to do what they do - should have been pushes a little further. This is a writing issue that I would have liked to see worked a little harder. But the way the actors handle the scene, and the way it is directed, saves the day, keeping us locked into the story with another clever single shot that mirrors the opening shot of the film. It's a brave and talented director that can play such drama off screen (or just off) using a single static take. And it works beautifully.

So yes, the fabulous acting stands forefront in this film but it's not just the talent of the actors that deserves attention. David McCracken's direction is brilliant, and this is just his second feature. There are no telling signs of lack of budget or experience. All scenes fulfil their potential for drama and character, and are properly paced. There doesn't appear to be any missed shots that needed to be filled with a sneaky edit or sound fix. Even the great Tarantino fell foul of that for his second film Pulp Fiction. McCracken knows how to cover a scene, when to move the camera and when not to. There's an artistry sorely lacking in feature film making today. People in the movie industry really need to take notice. The potential for something very special indeed is waiting right here.

The budget of a film is irrelevant to the audience experience but it is relevant to the achievement of the filmmakers. The biggest achievement here is the filmmakers have made the first part of that statement true - this is just a really good film - doesn't matter what it cost.
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