Incredibles 2 (2018)
14 March 2019
"Incredibles 2" (2018) is a professionally animated action adventure comedy that carries the loveable fun from "The Incredibles" (2004). In this sequel, the family is charged with changing the concept of "supers" through recorded hero actions with Helen, Elastigirl," voiced by Holly Hunter, taking the lead. I loved the role reversal with Helen being the desired hero to take the lead, but I think the added screen time for Jack Jack, voiced by Eli Fucile, was the biggest family favorite. Everything Jack Jack did in this film produced hysterical laughter in my family. I am usually very skeptical of sequels, but this film is just as good as the first one with exception to some heavy foreshadowing.

Brad Bird continues his reputation with character connections to the audience. Every character is identifiable in my own family and I just love that. The story is great, but anticipated, which makes the foreshadowing so difficult to avoid. To keep from spoiling the film, I would say the best way to have adjusted the undesired, would have been to make the bad guy a little less sketchy. This way it is a little less obvious that the bad guy is essentially broadcasted from the beginning. Overall, I really enjoyed this film and recommend a view if you enjoyed the first one, but once you have deciphered the "evil one," keep it to yourself until the end and just enjoy the film.
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