The Orville: Blood of Patriots (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
Cue the sci-fi tropes
13 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After an incredible two-parter in a show, it's common for the following episode to be a bit lacklustre. So here is "Blood of Patriots", with so many classic sci-fi tropes your head will spin:

Crew party interrupted by the HQ - check Sworn enemy is considering a peace treaty - check A character appears who looks like they will threaten the talks - check Said character has a pre-existing relationship with a crew member - check Said character has someone with them who is not all they appear - check Enemy wants character returning to them or all bets are off - check Character is regarded with suspicion for no immediately apparent reason - check Crew member has altercation with captain over character - check Character does suspicious things so you know they're not on the level - check Character asks crew member to steal a shuttle - check (and it's always a shuttle!) Crew member agonises over choice between character and duty - check Crew member appears to break protocol to help character - check The other person turns out to not be who we thought - check Character reveals what the real deal is when it's almost too late - check Crew member saves the day - check Crew member is rescued at the last second - check Peace treaty negotiations end well - check Crew member and captain have a cosy chat and all is well again - check Nobody mentions the fate of the other person - check

Hell, they even brought in a reboot of the holophonr from Futurama!

It's not that I didn't enjoy the episode. It was good, very much in the mould of Roddenberry's Star Trek. But the plot was derivative and the ending was predictable, which detracted from the episode. That and the tropes.
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