Review of Pandora

Pandora (2016)
Overlong but entertaining disaster film from Korea
9 March 2019
It always amazes me that Korean filmmakers are able to make Hollywood-style genre movies on a fraction of a budget that Hollywood movies typically have. (Canadian filmmakers, take note!) "Pandora" takes on the disaster movie genre, and for the most part it does it pretty well. The movie looks very slick and expensive, having a wide scope that doesn't feel the least bit phony or stage bound. There is a lot of tension and excitement as well. Also, the human characters are written very well, showing them to be flawed but sympathetic individuals with a lot of depth. I will admit, however, that in the last part of the movie they do get kind of overblown with feelings of duty and nobility to one's country, and that gets the movie to be somewhat sappy. Another problem is that at over 135 minutes, the movie is too long for its own good, and as a result has some very slow spots. But I admit that despite the overlength of the movie, I was never bored at any moment. Definitely recommended, but some viewers might want to wait to watch it until they are in a somewhat more patient mood.
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