Whiskey Cavalier: The Czech List (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not So Bad, Then...
8 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't watch anything on the major networks these days. Let's face it -- there isn't much for an intelligent adult to watch anywhere. One reason for this is that producers and critics don't seem to care if their stories have insanely unrealistic and flat out stupid elements.

I thought I'd watch part of this over-hyped series when this episode of the idiotically named series crossed my path. I came in around the halfway mark. Not as bad as most, I thought, despite the cornball Mission Impossible style "crew" (working for the government, of course). The dialog was breezy and the characters weren't taking themselves so darn seriously, and not as absurdly earnest and noble as usual.

Then it happened. The "vault" scene. First, the vault was opened electronically with a contact-lens retinal scan. Okay, not so bad. Then the pretty love interest for our top male hero turned out to be a "baddie" and a lesbian. Hmm. Then instead of just shooting our two main heroes the "bad crew" (proven killers) just locked them in the vault. Uh oh. Then our "techie" crew members informed the pair that they only have twenty minutes of air. Ay carumba!

Instead of just finding a bank employee to open the vault, a crew member informs our male hero that -- surprise! -- the watch he gifted him with recently has explosives in it. Huh? Also, there's a water main running right up against the vault's wall. (Apparently he has instant access to all the blueprints in the world.) So our hero is instructed to stick the watch against the wall and pull the pin. (Good thing he hadn't tried to do this on his own, or he'd have been blown to bits.) Fortunately there's a heavy table in the vault to duck behind, so our hero and heroine survive the blast, and water starts pouring into the vault at a rate which rivals Niagara Falls. (Must've been some pretty powerful explosives in that watch.) NOW the trapped duo asks what the plan is, and of course, it's to flood the vault's electronics which will open its door (instead of shorting out the system and make it impossible to open it). "Either the door will open or we'll drown," states our top female hero emotionlessly. I checked out at that point.

To consider the above sequence anything but the absolute zenith of idiocy would be giving far more credit to the people responsible for it than they deserve. It is completely and utterly ridiculous. STUPID BEYOND BELIEF!
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