Review of P.S.L.

Suits: P.S.L. (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
No Better TV Show
8 March 2019
I'm sure there have been better TV series that have aired in modern times, but I currently cannot find ANYTHING on the level of SUITS. I'm no authority on TV drama quality and I've never even watched GOT or Walking Dead, but based on everything I *have* seen, nothing quite compares to this show. For me, it's like striking gold and everything about this show is somehow anointed or something.

The background soundtrack has always been excellent but this episode's music was so powerful and effective, especially the outro scene. I mention "anointed" because it seems as if every aspect of production is a home run. Through six Seasons I can't recall any lousy acting, as though there is something in the atmosphere on set. Each guest star or cast addition falls in line and on par with the rest. I've said before, the writers may run out of gold at some point, as is the case with many long running series, but I haven't seen it yet. So I'm not sure if this production is so far above the others or the others are just lacking, but I hope it's not the latter. It's a shame more shows are not meeting the same standard. Perhaps by the time I'm up to the current Season, I'll have found another gem. Not sure what effect the absence of Meghan or Gina will have, but we'll see. In the mean time this episode gets another 10/10.
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