slow moving spy film....
7 March 2019
Italian film, but dubbed into english. it starts so S-L-O-W.... chick in pink dress talks to guy near the pool. After he throws her in, he hears about a dead agent, and must go investigate. American Ray Danton is "the Dragon", investingating poisoned gum or something. this has a mix of american, italian, and british actors. according to imdb, this was filmed in netherlands. editing and sound quality are pretty lame. we can see why mystery science theater did a parody of this in one of their episodes. moves at a snail's pace. and there's just barely an outline of a plot to follow here. Snore-A-rama. probably some of it was lost in translation. or maybe not. a whopping five writers came up with the screenplay... maybe that was too many. or maybe not enough. Directed by italian director Giorgio Ferroni. not a lot of info on him in wikipedia. apparently he was known for his gladiator and sandal films.
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