Surprisingly decent acting, lighting, and camera work.
6 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I will say I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised to see that the cast has some genuine acting chops. Not to say they don't have a few poor deliveries or need some seriously help with their stunt work, but it's not hard to assume their direction was awful, so don't judge them too harshly for that.

Overall the kids can act, and unlike many low-budget horror movies, this film doesn't suffer from terrible lighting or shaky camera work.

But absolutely nothing can save this movie from a disaster of a script. The stereotypes do have some interesting twists, but it's still terribly written and poorly timed. On top of that, there is so much stupid in this movie. And whenever one or more of the characters does something stupid, it's unrealistically stupid. Like a not-even-the-village-idiot-would-do-that type of stupid.

A few examples of this stupid: 1. Having sex in the cafeteria as soon as you escape the room with the killer in it. Literally. 2. Having a heart-to-heart loudly after reaching a dead end, instead of backtracking to find another way out immediately. 3. Having sex a second time while waiting in the cafeteria knowing a killer is after you. 4. Wandering the halls shouting while trying to hide from a killer. 5. Having an assortment of items to arm yourself with, and choosing only mildly threatening objects.

Really, if you want to know the whole list, you'll have to watch it yourself. If you enjoy bad dialogue and unrealistic human behavior, you might actually enjoy yourself.
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