Meet The Feebles...bad ripoff film.
5 March 2019
I can honestly say that I am surprised I didn't dislike this movie more. It's far from being a good film, but I didn't think it was as bad as it was hyped up to be.

If you take The Happytime Murders and remove the puppets it would just be a run of the mill late night comedy. I doubt we'd even be talking about it because it's kind of dull, and tame. Adding puppets into this tired story didn't really even make it better. I mean there is no bite to this. It feels like they decided to make a muppets movie but with some lewd jokes, and not actually that many. In fact, the lewdest stuff all had to do with bodily fluids, which is already a cliche of late night comedy. I thought that with Henson behind this they would have taken the time to satirize the muppets, and sesame street, all the things that were their bread and butter but seem to have fallen through the cracks in the new generation of TV and movies. Yet, I think that already exists with Meet The Feebles. They love making Muppet movies where they go on the road, why not make a Road Trip style comedy where four Puppets go on a drug-fueled sex crazed road trip. I mean it would have been better than this.

So, in the end, The Happytime Murders are not as bad as I thought but the remain tame and far from good. You're still better off skipping this one.
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